
Work Experience

Designing turbomachinery for the BE-7 lunar lander engine.
Aerospace Engineer within the New Graduate Rotation Program.

Rotation 1 - In Space Propulsion & BE-4 Turbomachinery:
Designed a high flow relief valve for the New Glenn propulsion system from the ground up, going from concept sketches to released manufacturing drawings. Specified, procured, and tested development instrumentation for BE-4 turbomachinery, identifying a new solution that significantly improved reliability and confidence in test data. Investigated novel applications for burst disks, and collaborated with a vendor to begin an initial qualification test campaign.

Rotation 2 - Test & Launch Engineering:
Overhauled the design of an internally developed development Thermal Vacuum chamber, and created detailed requirements and specification documents to procure production units. Conducted HAZOP studies on new and upgraded test facilities. Helped guide the definition of a new combustion device test facility. Developed test procedures for a new cryogenic component test facility.

Rotation 3 - New Glenn Fluid Systems:
Fluid and thermal analyst, helping inform the sizing and architecture of the New Glenn 2nd Stage fluid system. Analyzed fluid transient events, and developed a water hammer analysis code from first principles. Anchored this code to test and flight data, and verified that the propellant feed system was resilient to transient events. Modeled propellant boiloff rates, helping inform architecture of the vent and drain systems. Investigated and trialed various 1D thermo-fluid simulation packages and made recommendations on their capabilities for future analysis projects. Built documentation and tutorials for a new multi-disciplinary analysis and optimization package (ModelCenter).
Test Equipment Engineering Intern at the SpaceX Rocket Development facility. Focus was on both mechanical and fluid system improvements to the Falcon Booster test stand.

Led upgrades to multiple fluid systems interfacing directly with the rocket, including engine bleed-in and waste fuel recovery. Implemented changes to existing fuel systems to standardize with launch sites and improve robustness. Developed a new kidney loop system to filter sensitive servoactuator fluid and monitor for contamination. Designed and implemented multiple shields and stand modifications to protect sensitive components and minimize damage in the event of a test anomaly.
Structures Analysis Intern in Propulsion Systems group. Focus area was structural qualification of components for NASA's Space Launch System solid rocket booster.

Conducted structural analysis of Thrust Vector Control subassemblies for rocket booster, helping eliminate costly disassembly process during refurbishment. Aided in data reduction of propellant fracture testing, working toward refinement of existing finite element models. Mapped defects located by non destructive testing on booster Aft Skirt to verify refurbishment criteria could be met. Created a post-processing tool for modal analysis results, helping show positive structural margins and damage tolerance on components which would have otherwise required a redesign.
Intern in Product Excellence group specialized in Chassis Systems. Specific focus areas were Electronic Air Suspension system and torque management.

Led quality initiatives to reduce manufacturing risk and increase robustness of Model S air suspension system. Successfully eliminated a top suspension issue, reducing factory issues per vehicle (IPV). Implemented changes led to a significant decrease in FMEA RPN. Helped build framework for Tesla's torque management strategy, including the rollout of a centralized controlled database. Conducted full torque audit of General Assembly production lines confirming design specifications were adhered to during manufacturing. Gained consensus of Chassis design team for new torque database, which was incorporated into Vehicle Inspection Standard.
Production Intern in Composites Process Engineering group, responsible for all composite components on Falcon and Dragon vehicles. Overall focus was transitioning composite part production from small quantity to volume production, supporting a company-wide takt goal.

Analyzed part data to validate new tooling designs and capital equipment purchasing. Developed and deployed a web app to provide live status on part and tool data, allowing engineers to easily track information needed to meet rate targets. Collaborated with vendors to procure equipment that would allow for rate production without sacrificing part quality. Supported day-to-day production activities, and validated new processes to simplify manufacturing of composite parts.
Production Intern in Spacecraft Assembly department, with cross-functional roles in Falcon launch vehicle production.

Played a project management role for the successful implementation of an R&D Pathfinder production area for composite pressure vessel subassemblies, overseeing all aspects ranging from vendor management to technician training. Interfaced with purchasing team to advise and aid in negotiations for key capital equipment purchases. Forged supplier partnerships resulting in over $100,000 in immediate cost savings. Worked towards implementing new manufacturing capacity which will lead to a multimillion dollar ROI. Multiple projects designed and implemented to improve spacecraft assembly build flow.
Intern in Research and Development group specialized in Control Components and Systems Engineering. Used CAD software to design, improve and implement major new product releases. Prepared engineering change notices documenting new designs, and followed through with other engineers to ensure releases were successful. Entered and managed material and manufacturing data in SAP. Prepared DXF CAD files needed for automated fabrication process. Participated in Siemens NEXT program for young professionals.
Utilized CAD software to implement various modifications and improvements to Coal Hauler and Mill Equipment designs. Inspected vehicles on shop floor and analyzed photographs from vehicles in active use to understand issues and design working solutions.Prepared engineering change notices to explain problems which were addressed and appropriate steps taken to resolve issues. Worked closely with other engineers to ensure that modifications met all necessary criteria.

Leadership & Activities

Led complete redesign of engine subsystem to accommodate a brand new engine platform. Oversaw a team of over 40 members in design, integration, calibration and validation of engine systems.
Led successful redesign of dry sump lubrication system yielding greater serviceability and consistent oil pressures. Designed an innovative silencer to meet FSAE sound restrictions with minimum exhaust backpressure or flow restriction.


Graduate researcher in the Williams Fluid Dynamics and Turbulence research group (lab website). Led improvements in the UW 3' x 3' Wind Tunnel to support turbulence experiments.

Degree incomplete, credits transferred.