Code Although my passion is on the mechanical side, I do enjoy software projects in my spare time. This page details some of the projects that I've worked on, ranging from Web Design to Android.

This website was made from scratch using the Bootstrap framework and Jekyll, and deployed using Github Pages.

I developed a design oriented finite element code from scratch, with the ability to do static and dynamic analyses as well as sizing optimization for a 2D truss structure .

Formula SAE Team website

I have contributed to the design and coding of the Formula SAE team website.

Calibration Revision Control System

I helped implement the new Confluence powered Illini Motorsports Wiki, which acts as a central hub for team documentation, and serve as an administrator for the space. I've been able to use these strategies to improve development of Engine Calibrations. I built a new version control system which uses Git for calibration files and documents changes on the team wiki.

Unofficial Cyanogenmod for Motorola Atrix HD

For some time, I compiled the Cyanogenmod operating system for the Motorola Atrix HD. These unofficial builds were downloaded by nearly 3000 people.